tirsdag, februar 09, 2010


Den nye TV2 hvorfra man sender genudsendelser. på grund af akut pengemangel.

mandag, februar 08, 2010


Communism is when all pepole have same right to live, as he want, the name come from the Parisercommun rebilon, and have noting to do whit bad guys like. Lenin, Stalin Trotsky and Mao, they are just plane serial killers and Dikator`s. We have only come close to it in the Parisercommun, Kronstat and jugoslavia, all the rest is shit.

God Allah and Muhammad

When someone come, and tell me he belive in God, Allah and Muhammad, no doubt it`s my right to tell him I tink he`s crasy, and when he tells about all the goodes in belive in that`s kind, I will tell him about all the bad tings, they who belive in that shit have done, and still do, But he`s say`s I have the books they wroght, how crasy can he be, All can sit down and wrigt pamflet like this.

Forudsigelse Spådom om de næste 20 år

 Forudsigelse Spådom om de næste 20 år.

 Der vil år 2020, være sket en kraftig Decentralisering, til bage fra den centralisering der end til nu har fundet sted, især inden for landbruget. men alt andet også, skolesygehuse arbejde.